Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Little Chickens' Academy for Self-Defense


Blogger piu piu said...

a new one i encountered last week was 'wearing a backpack' and being a shade darker than pink. how dare you!

2:51 AM  
Blogger Prince Akeem said...

LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!! So very true Quint, cuz I love me some chicken. However, I don't like watermelon... does that violate the black code of conduct?

4:58 AM  
Blogger Gold Nugget said...

I would think the one thing that would apply to both blacks and puerto ricans (hispanics) would be a pic of a white father talking to his daughter/s and pointing to the picture saying "know MY enemies" and proceed with the list.

6:02 AM  
Blogger Stephane King said...

Quint, don't do that shit again. You almost made me fall apart in laughter at my desk AT WORK. I almost lost in in front of two old white ladies... I'm sitting here crying.. Who drew it?

8:38 AM  
Blogger The Quintessential Negro said...

I forgot to sign this one. I drew it.

9:12 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

My friend and i (the Italian from Philly) were on the phone and we went to check out your page and we both almost pissed on ourselves. I am still wiping the tears from my eyes. You are nucking futs. hahahahahaha

10:16 AM  

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